Monday, March 5, 2012

Starting out with Tracy Anderson

My daughter is now 6 months and it is time that I start doing something about my pregnancy baby weight.  Actually, the baby weight is from my son who is going to be 4 in a couple of months.  I know I know!!! Shame on me for waiting so long, there really is no excuse.  But on the bright side I lost all of my baby weight from my daughter, now to work on weight from my son, who is going to be 4 very soon!

After having Eleanor, I was off work for 17 weeks, yes it was completely exhausting and awesome.  The awesome really came toward the end of those weeks, all the other times I was completely exhausted.  She cried all of the time (possibly collicky), and had her days and nights mixed up, and she never really slept that long unless she was asleep on me.  Toward the end I was working Tracy Anderson's post pregnancy DVD a couple times a week and was loving it.  I rotated doing the post pregnancy mat work and the Dance Cardio I DVD, and I was feeling great.  That was for about the last 3 weeks I was off of work.  I thought I had a pretty good routine going, and could tell that my pants were fitting differently and that my stomach pouch was going down.  AMAZING!

Then I went to work....

And all of that changed...

I haven't worked out.  This is what my day looks like:

7am- drag my sleep deprived body out of bed
7-8am-still trying to get out of bed, probably breastfed Eleanor at least once, get dressed for work
8am- take Eleanor to daycare and top her off with another breastfeeding
8:30-12:30- work
12:30-1:30- back at daycare to breastfeed Eleanor and scarf something down to eat
1:30- 4:30- back to work
4:30-5:30- get to daycare and chat with mom and breastfeed Eleanor
5:30-? - get dinner started, find something for my son Nolan to do, feed Eleanor some solid food, keep Eleanor happy, breastfeed, maybe give some baths

I do have help from my loving John, but when it comes to Eleanor and her being happy it is all about mommy.  Which can be rewarding and exhausting all the same time....does anyone else feel like that?  You truly forget the energy it takes to take care of a newborn/baby until you have another one.

OK, so I will quit my rambling and get on with the TAM.  I love love love her cardio, actually that is how I found her.  I was on youtube and found some of her webisodes online and would work them while I was pregnant.  I didn't have any set routine down just when I would feel like doing some workouts.  Then, I bought some of her dvd's off of ebay which I would do after having E. I looked at getting the metamorphosis but decided that I would try her 30 day book, Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method, first before getting into more than I could handle.  Especially since I am still breastfeeding and intend to until E weens herself, I really can't do anything too drastic to my diet (but I could eat a lot healthier!!)

These are the goals I have for myself during the 30-Day Method:

1. Work out EVERY DAY. Even if it is just 30 mins, or it is split into morning and evening.
2. Follow the menu, with the added calories since I am breastfeeding
3. Be Accountable
4. Push myself
5. Have Fun!!!

I don't really have a weight goal since I am breastfeeding, and I know that just by working out that I will lose some weight.  So I am going to get out a piece of clothing and try it on before I start, then see how it fits at the end.

I received the book last week and have read it and am really excited to start it, which is TODAY!!

I will be posting my measurements and weight soon...eeks!


Thanks for stopping by, please comment (with even a "hello") if you took the time out to read this.  It will definitely help boost my motivation to keep going...and I need all the help I can get.

Have a great Monday!!

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